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When entering the app, the Authentification popup is displayed by default on Login tab. navigate to 'Register' tab, fill the email field. Press Register
An email is sent automatically to the address for security reason.
The email is sent by ''. This email contains the registration code and registration email. Use either method to finilize registration.
If you didn't receive any email, please check your spam folder. The sender email is '' with title 'RouteMagnet Resgitration ******'
Using registration code method, simply copy-paste in 'Verification code' and enter your password
Register with Google
Press 'Sign-in with Google' regardless if tab is set on login or Register. Sign-in with Google popup will be displayed, fill email and password.
If you hit an issue, please try on browser without Inconito mode
verify your data on Account section. If you were using Google sign-in, First name Last name are automatically pulled at registration time. Feel free to modify/add name and phone.
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